Najib Slimani, Khaoula Jabal


Language learning platforms have become significantly popular in recent years, with Rosetta Stone being one of the most well-known and widely used platforms. Rosetta Stone was established in 1992 and offers courses in 30 different languages. Its unique approach to language learning aims to simulate immersion and provide learners with comprehensible input by avoiding the use of translation. Importantly, Rosetta Stone uses images and audio recordings to teach vocabulary and grammar in context. Notwithstanding its popularity, questions remain about the effectiveness of Rosetta Stone in improving language proficiency. To address this issue, this paper is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Rosetta Stone as a language learning platform. It draws upon a comprehensive analysis of empirical studies to assess the utility of this platform in boosting learners’’ language-related skills. It equally examines its advantages and limitations. What transpires from this review is that Rosetta Stone is instrumental in improving language proficiency, particularly in the areas of vocabulary and reading comprehension. Additionally, the review identified several advantages of Rosetta Stone, including its personalized learning approach and its multimedia content. Regardless of its effectiveness, Rosetta Stone platform displays some limitations, such as the lack of explicit grammar instruction and the difficulty in achieving conversational capability. The findings of this review have important implications for language educators, learners, and those interested in ICT-based language teaching/learning.


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language learning, Rosetta Stone, language learning platforms, effectiveness, proficiency, limitations

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