Thunyaporn Kiaorat, Piyatida Panya, Arun Suikaduang
The general objective of this study was to develop an evaluation model in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) of English teachers in primary educational schools with the research and development process. Administrations of research procedures in four phases that it consisted of: the first phase was to synthesis concepts regarding the evaluation of teaching English for communication of teachers in primary educational schools by the analysis and synthesis of the CLT information from documents related research and interviews from those involved of 10 persons. The second phase was creating an evaluation model to evaluate the CLT of English teachers in primary educational schools by bringing the concept of phase one used to create the evaluation model, then the draft form for review, verify appropriateness and feasibility of the evaluation model through seminars, based on an expert group of nine persons who created the manual models to assess and evaluate your usage patterns such assessments by five educational experts of prior to trial in a real situation. The third phase was to trial evaluation model of the CLT of English teachers in primary educational schools. The development and the validity of the classification scheme, which sample consisted of 14 plants from the sample-specific were used. The fourth phase was to develop the evaluation model to evaluate the CLT of English teachers in primary educational schools with the sample consisted of the sample evaluation forms with a group of 43 assessors were assessed. Using the collective data in this research include of duvets, interview, observation and evaluative forms. Statistically significant with the foundational statistics include percentage, mean and standard deviation, statistical hypothesis testing, including the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed Ranks Test and The Mann - Whitney U Test were analyzed. The results of this research findings: Teaching English for communication and evaluation of teaching English for communication of teachers in primary educational schools with the CLT, the principles and concepts of learning as a Core Curriculum for the Basic Education Act BE 2551 and the indicators due course was matched of the policy of the Ministry of Education to raise the quality of teaching in English and composed of four components, namely; the goal of the assessment, to be aimed at evaluating, assessing methodology, and evaluation criteria. The goal of the assessment is to improve the quality of the CLT that are geared rate, the concept of the CLT factors, such as; the process, the production, the assessment methods include internal appraisers. The external evaluation process includes the preparation stage, the action of summary report assessment tools include questionnaire, interview and observation period to assess the second semester of the semester and before recess. The evaluation criteria are absolute criteria developed by the educational experts to develop teachers are making progress in the CLT were evaluated in two times that results of statistically significant at level of 0.01, differently. To assess the developing an evaluation model in the CLT of English teachers in primary educational schools was to standard rate of utilization, the possibility, he appropriateness and accuracy were at the highest level, and the exploitation and the possibility is high-level.
Article visualizations:

development, an evaluation model, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), English teachers, primary educational schools
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Copyright (c) 2018 Thunyaporn Kiaorat, Piyatida Panya, Arun Suikaduang

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