The purpose of this study was to look into the experiences of police officers at General Santos City's Police Station 7 in rescuing children in conflict with the law. This study utilized a quantitative case study with 4 police officers as the research participants. The study had three formulated questions which were the experiences, coping mechanisms, and the insights or lessons learned by the police officers in rescuing the children in conflict with the law. The beginning stories of the police officers in rescuing children in conflict with the law had formulated the following emergent themes: crucial, piteous, and eagerness to help. The middle stories of the police officers in rescuing children in conflict with the law had formulated the following emergent themes: dedication to the service, love with children, and happiness. Lastly, the ending stories of police officers in rescuing the children in conflict with the law had formulated the following emergent themes: fulfillment, understanding, and passion.
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