Chinyere Dorathy Wagbara, Ezekiel Usip Mfon


The study investigated students’ parental status and entrepreneurship intention in secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Four research questions and four hypotheses were answered and tested in the study. A correlational design was adopted in the study while the population of the study was all the students in secondary schools in Rivers State out of which 300 students were sampled for the study using a proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The instrument used for gathering data was a 20 items questionnaire which was face and content validated by three lecturers from University of Port Harcourt with a Cronbach alpha reliability index of 0.88. Out of the 300 copies of the questionnaire administered, 294 copies which was a 98% retrieval rate. Research questions raised were answered using point biserial correlation while the hypotheses were also tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study showed that household head, parental income, parental education status and parental entrepreneurship status had a relationship of r= 0.359, r=0.787, r=-0.407 and r=0.322 with students’ entrepreneurship intention while only the relationship between parental income and students’ entrepreneurship intention of the students was significant. It was recommended that students should be given the required financial and material support to make their entrepreneurship intention a reality in these schools.


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students, parental status, entrepreneurship intention, secondary schools, Rivers State

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