Senem Çelik, Fatma Soysüren Yaşar, Oğuzhan Tülücü, Ayşe Tülücü


The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the attitudes of primary school students towards physical education and game lesson and their attachment to school levels. The correlational survey method was used in this study. 3249 primary school students studying at primary schools in Mersin in the 2022-2023 educational year make up the sampling of this study. The sample group was chosen through simple random sampling. Personal Information Form, School Attachment Scale for Children and Teenagers (ASS-CT), and Attitude towards Physical Education and Sports Scale were used as data collection tools. Descriptive statistics, average, frequency, t-test, ANOVA; Tukey, and Spearman Correlation analysis to identify the relationship between two scales were used in data analysis. It was found out that primary school students have positive attitudes towards physical education and game lesson, that they like participating in physical activities and games and they would like more time to be allocated for them in programs, and that there is a high-level positive relationship between students’ attitude towards physical education and game and attachment to school.


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primary school, physical education and game, attachment to school, attitude

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Copyright (c) 2023 Senem Çelik, Fatma Soysüren Yaşar, Oğuzhan Tülücü, Ayşe Tülücü

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