Senem Çelik, Fatma Soysüren Yaşar, Oğuzhan Tülücü


The aim of this research is to study the relationship between Primary School Teachers’ perception towards game and physical education and game lesson according to different variables. 2291 primary school teachers make up the medium of this research. A survey model was used for this research. Primary School Teachers’ Attitudes towards Game and Physical Activities Lesson scale and Game Perception Scale were used as data collection tools. Descriptive statistics, mean, frequency, t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey test from post hoc tests, and Spearman Correlation analysis were used in data analysis. According to the findings, there is a positively meaningful relationship between primary school teachers’ perception towards game and physical education and game lesson. It was found out that primary school teachers have a positive attitude towards physical education and game lesson, that they find physical education and game lesson beneficial, that they see themselves as insufficient in developing materials towards game in physical activity and game activities, and that it would be more beneficial if these activities are conducted by Physical Education Teachers.


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primary school teachers, physical education and game, game, attitude

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