The language used in healthcare to describe diseases, medical procedures, and treatments is identified as medical terminology. Learning medical terminology can be problematic owing to its complexity and volume. Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) is an artificial intelligence (AI) language model that can simulate human conversations while providing individualized feedback, making it potentially a viable tool for learning medical terminology. The purpose of this study is to look at the benefits of using ChatGPT to learn medical terminology. A ChatGPT-based group studied medical terminology using the ChatGPT platform, while a traditional study group heard lectures and read textbooks. Following the study sessions, both groups carried out a test to evaluate their understanding and comprehension of medical terms. The study showed that the ChatGPT-based platform was more effective than traditional teaching techniques in increasing students' knowledge and understanding of medical terminology. When compared to the traditional instruction group, the group using the ChatGPT platform demonstrated significant improvements in their test results. ChatGPT offers the opportunity to improve medical terminology learning by providing students with interactive and individualized feedback. The outcomes of this study can assist with the development of novel and successful teaching techniques incorporating artificial intelligence into education.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Andrew Shitanda Nyongesa, Margaret Otieno Omondi

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