Novita Arutmayanti, Budi Astuti


This research is based on the results of the distribution of problem expression tools and observations made on students at State Senior High School 4 Samarinda, which turned out to have many academic procrastination problems, namely students who have not been able to make good use of time to do assignments and prioritize other activities that are considered fun but do not provide benefits. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of treatment in the form of group guidance services and discussion techniques in reducing academic procrastination. The research approach used is quantitative with experimental research. The experimental design used is a pre-experimental, one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample used was 8 students. The data collection techniques used were academic procrastination questionnaires, observation, and problem expression tools. Discussion technique group guidance services were conducted for 8 meetings. The average score on the pre-test questionnaire 157 after being given treatment decreased with an average score on the post-test questionnaire 113. Based on data analysis using the t-test obtained tcount = 13.410 at degrees of freedom (df) = 7, then compared with ttable at the 0.05 significance level of 2.365, then tcount> ttable (13.410 > 2.365), then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, thus indicating that group guidance services with discussion techniques are effective for reducing academic procrastination of class X students of State Senior High School 4 Samarinda.


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academic procrastination, discussion techniques, group guidance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i9.4948


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