Elmakki Amiri, Abderrahim El Karfa, Abi-bakr Jabbouri


The current study sought to investigate the link between student-perceived teacher enjoyment (PTE), anxiety (PTA), and boredom (PTB) and students’ attitudes towards the teacher (ATT). Furthermore, how the three teachers’ emotions jointly predict ATT was also examined. A sample of 760 Moroccan university students aged 17–50 years was involved in the study. Statistical analyses showed that PTE and PTB were found to be the significant predictors of students ATT. They contributed uniquely and significantly to the overall model, which explained 21% (R2 = .21) of the variance in the outcome variable (ATT). As such, PTA, unexpectedly, offered nothing uniquely in terms of predicting students’ ATT. Students were found to show a strong preference for teachers who feel a sense of enjoyment over those who experience anxiety and boredom. Theoretical and practical implications for future research and educational practice are discussed.


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perceived teacher enjoyment, perceived teacher anxiety, perceived teacher boredom, attitudes, emotions

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i9.4954


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