Ogagaoghene Uzezi Idhalama, Oyaziwo Aluede, Oluwayemisi Adedotun Kikelomo


This article investigated the extent to which academic staff completes their course outlines before examinations; the state of harassment of students by academic staff; the rate at which examination questions are leaked to students by academic staff; the rate at which academic staff is involved in issues of plagiarism and the level of fair evaluation and non-discrimination of students by academic staff. The study used the descriptive (survey) research design. A total of 171 academic staff selected through convenience sampling participated in the study. The instrument used in this study was constructed by current researchers, which was content validated and it also yielded a reliability co-efficient of 0.81. Findings revealed that the majority of the lecturers in Nigerian tertiary institutions ensured that they complete their course outlines before final examinations, and are not found wanting in terms of harassing their students in any form. The study further revealed that the rate at which examination questions are leaked to students by academic staff remains very low. Based on the findings, it is therefore recommended that workshops on ethics be organized for academic staff that will be geared towards helping to bring to zero level incidence of unethical activities in tertiary institutions of learning in Nigeria.


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lecturers’ ethics, ethical issues, plagiarism in higher education, professional ethics, faculty ethical issues

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