Bandura’s reaction to the depictions of human agency that were propagated by the trait, behaviorist, and psychodynamic theories yielded the social cognitive theory. Through the social cognitive theory emerged the concept of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is one’s judgment of the capabilities to bring about desired outcomes. An understanding of the concept of self-efficacy and its sources has implications for the training of pre-service science teachers to effectively teach science. This article aims to use theoretical and empirical studies concerning Bandura’s theoretical sources of self-efficacy - Enactive Mastery Experience, Vicarious Experiences, Verbal Persuasion, and Physiological and Psychological State – to guide science teacher educators in determining effective approaches to developing a sense of self-efficacy in their pre-service science teachers. The article summarizes each of the sources of self-efficacy. It simultaneously provides suggestions to science teacher educators for inculcating a high sense of self-efficacy in their pre-service science teachers.
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