Donasiana Birgita Njuu, Rose Njihia, Shem Mwal’wa


The quality of education in Tanzania has declined over the past five years with unsatisfactory results recorded in summative evaluation. The purpose of the study is to assess the influence of head teachers’ leadership styles on students’ academic performance in Dodoma Urban District Council, Tanzania. The specific objectives of this study were to determine the influence of head teachers’ supportive leadership style on students’ academic performance and to assess the influence of head teachers’ participative leadership style on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Dodoma Urban District Council, Tanzania. The study adopted a mixed research approach. Specifically, the researcher adopted a concurrent mixed-method design. The target population for this study consisted of seven (7) head teachers and 110 teachers from seven (7) public secondary schools in Dodoma Urban District. The study used proportionate random sampling and purposive sampling to sample respondents. A closed and open-ended questionnaire was used on teachers and interviews were used on head teachers. The study employed Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) version 26, to analyze quantitative data which was generated by the use of frequencies, tables, and percentages. The analysis of the interviews involved reading the transcript, annotating the transcript, conceptualizing the data gathered from respondents, segmenting the data, analyzing the segment, and writing the results that were obtained. Findings indicated that, to improve students’ academic performance, head teachers encourage team members to express their ideas or suggestions ensure work is done independently, and provide the opportunity to make decisions. In addition, findings revealed that supervision is done to the team members to meet school objectives and achieve better academic performance in schools. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education (MoE) needs close monitoring of the leadership styles to ensure that it is current and preferably suits both students and teachers to be able to achieve the intended goals and objectives of the school. Good cooperation among the heads of schools, teachers, and students should be strengthened to ensure the excellent academic performance of the students.


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head teachers, leadership, leadership styles, students, academic performance

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