Georgios Angelopoulos, Savvas Stamatopoulos


This current study is a teaching proposal that approaches the concept of balance in an interdisciplinary way in kindergarten. Based on the Greek Kindergarten Curriculum, an educational intervention is proposed in the context of the thematic unit: "Child and Environment" and falls under the second axis: "Natural Environment and Interaction". When the infants build a simple seesaw machine ("robotic" seesaw) using the LEGO® Education Early Simple Machines Set, they start wondering about how it works. Acting collaboratively, the infants’ experiment with simple machines and make assumptions, each time experimenting according to the given instructions. Throughout the learning process, the teacher provides clear instructions and completes the findings of the infants, in order to draw the final conclusions that will lead to the solution of the problem. In this way, the infants are given the opportunity to develop computational thinking skills that can potentially open up new professional horizons in the future.


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natural sciences, educational robotics, computational thinking, balance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i10.5021


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