Raqia A. Mohamed


The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of curriculum and assessment policies and practices on student engagement and dropout risk in secondary schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. To combine the data from diverse sources, the research employed a literature review strategy. Dropout risk was defined as the possibility of students leaving school before finishing their secondary education, while student engagement was described as the degree of participation, interest, and excitement that students display in their learning process. Motivation, expectations, mental health, substance abuse, parental involvement, grade retention, IQ, learning difficulties, academic achievement, curriculum quality, relevance, consistency, alignment, teacher capacity, teaching materials, assessment system, governance, and management were identified as factors influencing student engagement and dropout risk at the individual, classroom, school, and system levels. The study found that the curriculum and assessment policies and practices in Mogadishu-Somalia were low in quality, inconsistent, irrelevant, and misaligned with the national standards and the needs of the learners and society. The study recommended improving and aligning the curriculum and assessment policies and practices in secondary education in Mogadishu-Somalia with the national standards, the needs of the learners and society, and the principles of student engagement and differentiation. To achieve this goal, the study suggested developing and sharing a clear vision and goals, involving all stakeholders in the curriculum and assessment processes, adapting the curriculum and assessment to the diverse needs of students, engaging and motivating students in the curriculum and assessment, and improving teacher capacity, curriculum framework, teaching and learning materials, assessment and certification system, and governance and management of the education sector.


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curriculum and assessment policies and practices, student engagement, dropout risk, secondary education

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