Bernadetha P. Mushi


This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the Catholic Scholarship Program for Tanzania (CSPT) on human capital development within religious Catholic Women's Congregations in Northern Tanzania. The study was guided by the question: to what extent does the implementation of CSPT enhance human capital development within religious women’s congregations? The study was anchored on: Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) Model. This study applied Convergent design under the mixed methods. The general target population for the study was 142 respondents from CSPT in the Northern Zone of Tanzania. However, this particular study comprised of: 122 religious women, 16 superiors of different congregations, 3 board of directors, and 1 executive secretary of the programme. The study sample comprised 84 respondents from whom 80 are religious women, 2 are superiors of congregations, 1 is from the board of directors, and 1 is the executive secretary of the programme. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to obtain samples for this study. Data was collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The validity and reliability of the evaluation instruments were ensured, and the instruments were pilot-tested. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, and means. Qualitative data on the other hand was examined through the transcription of texts, generating themes for interpretation, discussions, and arriving at conclusions. The study established that the implementation of the Catholic Scholarship Program to a great extent enhanced human capital development within religious women's congregations in the Northern Zone of Tanzania. The study concludes that CSPT is a valuable programme for religious women congregations in terms of human capital development. The study recommended that the management of CSPT should frequently monitor the participating congregations. The monitoring ensures that the beneficiaries positively enhance the development of the human capital of the congregations as envisaged by the CSPT.


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implementation, scholarship program, human capital, religious women, and development

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