Zehra Sumeyye Ertem


The aim of this study is to determine which types of questions are most frequently included in the book titled Silver Lining, which is taught in English classes in 11th grades in Turkey, and at what level of understanding questions are asked. For this purpose, the analysis of the reading questions in the "Reading and Listening" section of the English textbook was carried out. Barrett's Taxonomy was used as a basis to determine the mental processes required by the questions. Since the questions in the book were examined in the study, the qualitative research method, one of the research methods, was adopted and document analysis was conducted. Within the scope of the research, ten units in the book titled Silver Lining were examined. There are two sections in each unit, section A and section B. There are six or seven question guidelines under the title "Reading and Writing" in each section. Within the scope of this study, a total of 263 reading comprehension questions, including 149 question instructions and 114 question items in the entire book, were examined. The eleventh grade English textbook mostly includes matching questions and multiple-choice questions. Open-ended questions, which have a very small share among the question types, were asked in a way that the answers could be easily found in the text. Additionally, it was observed that the questions were asked mostly at the level of simple understanding. In this sense, the text questions in the eleventh grade English textbook should be diversified by teachers, and in addition to simple questions, students should be asked more questions that will activate metacognition, thus enabling them to think critically.


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English textbook, reading comprehension, Barrett taxonomy, cognitive and affective level

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