Gamze Hastürk, Seda Nasirliel


The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the GEMS (Great Exploration in Math and Science) approach on the scientific process skills of the students in the "Force and Energy" unit of the seventh grade science course of secondary school. The study was designed according to the semi-experimental pattern with pre-test post-test control group from quantitative data analysis methods. The study group of the study consists of 32 seventh grade students. The application studies lasted a total of 4 weeks. In the experimental group (N=16), the GEMS-based learning program was processed, and in the control group (N=16), the courses were taught according to the 2018 science curriculum. As a data collection tool, the scientific process skill test (SPST) consisting of 26 multiple-choice items was used before and after the application. The SPSS package program was used in the analysis of the findings. In the SPST data analysis obtained from the scales of the groups, independent samples "Mann Whitney U test" and "Wilcoxon signed rows test" were used. As a result of the research, it was seen that SPST scores showed a statistically significant difference in the experimental group where the courses based on the GEMS-based learning program were carried out compared to the control group where the courses were processed according to the 2018 science curriculum. In the experimental group where the courses based on the GEMS approach were conducted, it was concluded that the scientific process skill test scores were high. According to the results obtained from the study, in-service training should be provided to teachers in order to use the GEMS (Great Exploration in Math and Science) based learning program more effectively, and it may be recommended to prepare guidebooks for GEMS approach for science teachers.


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GEMS, scientific process skill, science education, force and energy

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