Edgar O. Fernandez, Lyndon A. Quines


In this study, psychological empowerment, work engagement, and pay satisfaction were used to estimate the best fit model for teacher retention at the Department of Education in Region XII. The study employed quantitative research design using path analysis and correlational approach which are under non-experimental research design. Using the stratified random sampling technique, the 400 secondary teachers from the divisions of South Cotabato, Koronadal, General Santos, and Sarangani were identified. The statistical tools that were used in interpreting the data were weighted mean, Pearson r correlation coefficient, and path analysis. Additionally, survey questions that had been adjusted, changed, and validated were employed. The outcome demonstrates the extremely high degree of psychological empowerment among secondary educators. Teachers also exhibit high levels of work engagement. Nonetheless, secondary teachers have a poor degree of salary satisfaction. As a result, secondary teachers have a high rate of teacher retention. Additionally, the results indicated that pay satisfaction was substantially connected with teacher retention when each independent variable was examined in relation to teacher retention. Additionally, there was a strong correlation between teacher retention and psychological empowerment. The best fit model for predicting teacher retention is model 3. According to the model, among secondary school teachers in Region XII, psychological empowerment and pay satisfaction are predictive factors of teacher retention.


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educational management, psychological empowerment, work engagement, pay satisfaction, teacher retention, path analysis, DepEd teachers, Region XII, Philippines

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