Sheila Jean L. Cabayag, Eugenio S. Guhao Jr.


The study aimed to investigate the influence of self-efficacy, job performance, and transformational leadership style on organizational commitment using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to 400 public school teachers in Region XI, Philippines. Findings revealed a high level of self-efficacy, a very high level of job performance, and high levels of transformational leadership and organizational commitment. There is a strong, positive, and significant correlation between self-efficacy and organizational commitment; job performance and organizational commitment; and transformational leadership and organizational commitment. Further results showed that the best-fit model was model 3 showing the direct causal relationships of Self-Efficacy, Job Performance, and Transformational Leadership Style on Organizational Commitment. Moreover, the Organizational Commitment of the respondents was defined by the retained indicators, namely: Affective Commitment and Individual Performance. Self-efficacy was described with the following retained indicators: Disciplinary Self-efficacy, and Creative Positive School Climate. On the other hand, Job performance was described in terms of the indicators Workload and Working Environment. Finally, Transformational Leadership retained the following indicators: Political Skill Inventory, and Perception of Relational Uncertainty. Findings suggest that the policy-making body of the Department of Education should look into the provision of professional development, workload allocations, and benefits of the teachers to further improve their organizational commitment.


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self-efficacy, job performance, transformational leadership, organizational commitment, structural equation modeling, teachers, Philippines

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