Si Mohamed Chana


Critical thinking is gaining momentum in the digital era, particularly with the propagation of social media. Improving students' cognitive abilities is not just meant to have easy access to the job market, but to be equipped in the time of misinformation and fake news. However, effective enhancement of this cognitive skill in students requires motivation as an important ingredient; without motivation for critical thinking learning, teachers will fail in their attempts to improve their students' thinking skills. This article is an empirical study on the importance of motivation for critical thinking for CPGE students and its relationship with the students' levels of critical thinking. 120 CPGE students, both male and female, were involved in this study. As the study is experimental, the students were divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. The results of the data analysis revealed that the treatment groups outscored the control group students in the motivation for critical thinking learning; the data also showed a positive correlation between the treatment group's motivation for critical thinking and their level of critical thinking.


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motivation, critical thinking, CPGE, treatment group, control group

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