Josiane Mukagihana, Aimable Sibomana, Joseph Ndiritu


Students of this generation are digital natives, so a classroom without technology is not engaging. 21st-century demand requires technology integration in teaching; however, in-service teachers' skills in technology integration into pedagogy are still low, and they are with the needs of teacher training programs. To support teachers, the African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS), through its teacher training program (TTP) conducted ICIT in education training for mathematics and science teachers in 14 districts of Rwanda. The study used a web survey design for gathering facts that inform the impact of TTP interventions on trained teachers’ ICT skills and their integration in the teaching of mathematics and science. 351 teachers participated in the study and techno-pedagogical and pedagogical surveys with Cronbach alfa reliability of .75 and .702, respectively, were used. Teachers were purposively selected from public schools, and a positive probability of participation was ensured by random sampling. Microsoft Excel and SPSS version 23 served for analysis. The findings revealed that Math and science teachers' techno-pedagogical skills were low before TTP interventions. For instance, 81% did not know how to use classroom technologies, while 82% did not know how to use tools like simulations and animations for teaching; this implies that technology integration in teaching was very low. There is a statistically significant difference (χ2 = 25.342, df = 12 (1), p<.001 between teachers' techno-pedagogical skills before and after attending training. The implication is that training improves teachers' techno-pedagogical skills, and they become techno-pedagogues. There is no statistically significant difference between male and female techno-pedagogical skills after training (χ2 = 40.625, df = 12 (1), P > 0.05). This shows that interventions improved their skills equally. Therefore, we recommend the continuance of teacher training programs as digital technology is dynamic.


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Teacher Training Program, techno pedagogical skills, pedagogy, interventions, ICDL, ICT

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