Meraflor S. Ongayo, Maria Rina T. Quilestino


This study aimed to establish the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) usage in influencing the attitudes and competency levels of TLE Teachers in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This study used non-experimental quantitative research and descriptive correlation to collect data on the 340 teacher respondents teaching TLE in the Division of Davao de Oro and identify the relationship between various variables. The study's objectives were evaluated using the mean, which revealed a significantly very high level of TLE teachers' attitudes, a high level of ICT competency, and a high level of ICT utilization. The utilization of the Pearson correlation coefficient showed a statistically significant association between the attitudes of TLE teachers and their use of ICT. There was a substantial relationship between the Use of ICT and ICT competency levels. Also, a notable correlation existed between the attitudes of TLE teachers and their degrees of ICT competency. Moreover, employing path analysis, the study revealed a partial mediation in the effect of ICT on the correlation between TLE teachers' attitudes and their level of ICT competency. Hence, TLE Teachers in Davao de Oro have shown a commendable level of attitude, utilization, and proficiency in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which aligns with the effective integration of ICT in the classroom. The results demonstrated how important it is for school heads and master teachers to encourage a positive attitude and offer ongoing professional development and support to help teachers use ICT more effectively and improve students' learning.


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education, use of ICT, TLE teachers’ attitudes, ICT Competency level, mediating effect, Philippines

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