James Harindintwari, Claudine Yumvuhore, Steven Mugunga, Josue Michel Ntaganira, Jean Damascene Dusabimana, Noel Bavugirije


The study sought to examine the relationship between continuous professional development (CPD) on learners’ academic performance in Rwandan primary schools. This focused on the following specific objectives: What is the relationship between teacher in-service training and learners’ academic performance in Rulindo primary schools, To what extent teacher peer learning platforms relate to learners’ academic performance in Rulindo primary schools, What is the relationship between teacher coaching and mentoring and learners’ academic performance in Rulindo primary schools. The descriptive research design was used. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to analyze data. 158 people were used as the target population and 103 as the sample size to represent the whole population. Data were collected using structured questions with 5-point Likert scales and an interview. Quantitative data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, standard deviation, means, and regression analysis while qualitative data were analyzed using a thematic method that helped in analyzing qualitative data. The finding from the study concluded that there is a significant relationship between continuous professional development and learners’ academic performance in Rwandan primary schools. SPSS and the thematic method were used to calculate the regression analysis of the study: based on the findings from the study, the researchers revealed that some gaps need to be solved by different organs such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across the world. The results indicated that there is positive and significant effect of teacher coaching and mentoring on learners’ academic performance (B = 0.894, P value ˃0.00). The study recommended providing frequent continuous professional development in schools across the country. The study recommends REB survey how continuous professional development (CPD) impacts the quality of education. In the same regard, the study recommends that educational-related stakeholders fund the continuous professional development of teaching and administrative staff.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i3.5229


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