This study explored how teachers perceive self-regulated learning (SRL) and their beliefs through a mixed-methods approach. The Self-Regulated Teacher Beliefs Scale (SRLTBS) was administered to 49 teachers in Fuvahmulah City and Laamu Atoll schools to gauge their views on SRL. Five of the 49 participating teachers were selected based on specific criteria for further observation and interviews. The questionnaire responses showed that teachers had a moderately positive attitude toward SRL but lacked comprehension in certain areas, such as SRL planning stages, goal setting, and methods to stimulate students' self-motivation. The classroom observations and interviews revealed that while teachers could articulate effective SRL teaching strategies, these ideas were not consistently implemented in the classroom. Teachers' actions promoted SRL during learning monitoring, but weaknesses were noted in the planning and assessment phases. Triangulating these findings highlights the link between positive beliefs and more comprehensive SRL application, yet gaps in planning and evaluation suggest a need for targeted professional development. Also, most teacher behaviors that supported SRL were implicit rather than explicitly teaching the required skills.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i3.5248
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