Objective: This study aims to evaluate the quality of the services provided by the Faculty of Technology of the Federal University of Amazonas (TF/FUA) through the expectations and perceptions of the clients (students), as well as to propose possible improvements in the provision of services. Methodology: The SERVQUAL analysis tool was adapted to the reality of higher education, which has seven dimensions of quality: tangibility, reliability, competence, receptivity, clarity, autonomy, and accessibility. Results: It was possible to identify that the perceptions do not match the expectations of the students, indicating the need for policies for quality and customer satisfaction. The most significant dimensions of quality are reliability and competence. The dimensions with lesser importance were autonomy and tangibility. Based on the analysis of perceptions, the best dimensions evaluated were competence and receptivity, and the worst dimensions were autonomy and tangibility. Practical Implications: The study aimed to assist the management of TF/FUA in self-knowledge about the quality of services provided. It aided decision-making to improve services. In addition, it supported the consolidation of the student as a university client, capturing their expectations and perceptions regarding services. Thus, it was possible to contribute to their autonomy and participation in services.
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