Career choice for senior high school programs is a crucial stage among junior high school Filipino students. The purpose of this study is to determine the predictors of Senior High School students’ career choices on Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) in Davao del Sur, Philippines. Adopted survey questionnaires were given to a sample of N=405 grade 10 students from public secondary schools in the Division of Davao Del Sur. The questionnaire was validated by experts contextualizing in the local setting. Mean, Pearson chi-squared and logistic regression were used to determine the predictors of Senior High School students’ career choices on Technical vocational Livelihood track. The results show that the mother’s educational attainment significantly affects the student’s intention to enroll in a Technical-Vocational program. Also, classmates will enroll in the same program show a positive relationship with the students’ enrollment intention. This was followed by a flexible class schedule and various accreditations. School career counselors need to intensify students’ awareness in the career selection process to generate ideas and career alignment, and encourage student’s preferences. Career counseling will provide students with a strong sense of direction and help students determine their strengths, values, passion, and areas of interest.
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