Jerine A. Pueblo, Marnie J. Besas, Geraldine D. Rodriguez


This phenomenological study aimed to fathom the tale of unravelling the secret to the success of neophyte criminologists in passing the licensure examination. The study utilized a qualitative research design using a phenomenological approach, with 18 criminologists from Ramon Magsaysay Memorial College, General Santos City, chosen through purposive sampling. Thematic analysis was used as a data analysis tool. In light of this, results revealed the themes developed wherein this also discovered that the secret to the success of criminologists in taking and passing the CLE where they experienced mixed emotions, very challenging, stressful phenomena, feelings of nervousness, lack of preparation, frustrating events, remaining hopeful and positivism helps. In addition, criminologists experienced challenges like time constraints, financial problems, no face-to-face review, sleepless nights, anxiety situations and restrictions during the pandemic. On the coping mechanisms, criminologists pray harder, seek help, manage time well, rest when necessary, study hard, boost self-esteem, enrol in a review centre and practice the elimination methods. Furthermore, criminologists’ insights or realization revealed that preparation is necessary: take the review seriously, join a group study, give your best shot, surpass trials, increase faith and prioritize well-being. Taking a criminologist licensure exam requires extensive preparation and perseverance as they will encounter many challenges before they pass it. The insights learned by the neophyte criminologists make them more competent as professionals in their field of specialization.


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Criminology, neophyte criminologists, criminologist licensure examination, phenomenology, Philippines

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