July Jean L. Solis, Marnie J. Besas, Geraldine D. Rodriguez


The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to unfold the lived experiences of Criminology student-interns of Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges General Santos City. Table one reflects the emergent themes on the experiences of the Criminology student-interns amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, namely: gaining new lessons, being able to extend help, challenging, exciting, limited learning, expectation gone wrong, and developing community involvement. Moreover, four essential themes emerged for the first part, which are about the challenges; these were financial, dealing with people, health issues due to exhaustion, and inability to manage time. On the other hand, five emergent themes emerged for the second part, which is about coping mechanisms: prayer, being optimistic, strategic, self-motivation, and balance time. Lastly, the insights of the Criminology student-interns covered nine emergent themes, these were: create a schedule, cherish every moment, set priorities, invest time for physical activity, be flexible, be ready always, productivity matters, follow instructions, persevere.


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Criminology, students-interns, lived experiences, On-the-Job Training (OJT), phenomenology, Philippines

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