Li-Wei Wei, Yu Fu


This study investigates the impact of experiential teaching on employment anxiety among students in career planning courses. Addressing the increasing issue of workplace phobia, characterized by severe anxiety in professional contexts, this research highlights the shortcomings of traditional educational strategies in alleviating such anxieties, particularly among recent graduates in a competitive job market. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design, the study evaluates the effectiveness of experiential teaching methods by comparing an experimental group exposed to these methods with a control group receiving conventional instruction. The research encompasses 120 medical laboratory technology students, employing the Employment Anxiety Diagnostic Scale to ensure psychometric robustness. Results demonstrate a significant reduction in employment anxiety and an enhancement in career planning skills within the experimental group, illustrating the transformative potential of experiential learning. Additionally, the findings reveal demographic disparities, with greater benefits observed among female students and those lacking prior medical background or part-time work experience. This study advocates for the integration of experiential teaching in higher education curricula to better equip students for the workforce, addressing both educational and psychological aspects of career readiness. Recommendations for broader demographic inclusion and methodological improvements in future research are provided to enhance the generalizability and depth of insights into experiential teaching's effectiveness in mitigating employment anxiety.


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experiential teaching; employment anxiety; career planning courses, Chinese medical undergraduates

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