Motivated by the existence in several parts of the country of private institutions of higher education of relative quality and operating outside the regulations, we undertook this study entitled “Evaluation of the Regulatory Framework as an Instrument of University Governance in the Private Institutions of Higher Education” to check whether the regulatory framework in force in Cameroon guarantees quality in the private institutions of higher education. To do this, we opted for an exploratory and mixed approach involving the triangulation of methods, data, and theories. Data were collected from 242 subjects, including students, teachers, private institutions of higher education promoters, and MINESUP officials. The data collected through a semi-structured interview and a questionnaire, processed by the SPSS software and the content analysis, yielded results which indicate that if all the mechanisms for good governance are put in place, the private institutions of higher education will be able to satisfy the quality requirements and the implicit and explicit needs of all their partners.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i7.5422
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