Taban Simon Benson, R. Victoria Tamale Kaggwa, John Paul Kasujja


This study investigated stakeholder management roles and the performance of Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools in Moyo District. The study sought to examine the role of the District Education Office in the performance of UPE schools, to find out the extent to which headteachers contribute to the performance of UPE schools and to assess the contribution of parents in the performance of UPE schools in Moyo Town Council. The study used a cross-sectional survey research design with both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study used 92 respondents selected using simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Data was analysed descriptively and thematically. The findings revealed that the District Education Office's role is to mobilize resources, pay school fees through a capitation grant, train, employ and pay teachers, and construct classrooms, among others. The findings also revealed that, although the government certainly put some effort into advancing education for all by introducing UPE through providing education funds, many shortfalls still exist in terms of equity and quality of the provided education. In addition, headteachers play important roles in the supervision of lesson plans, schemes of work, content delivery, teachable tools and class tools, which are very important in improving performance further despite their low involvement in decision-making; parents have the mandate of providing scholastic materials, school uniforms and basic requirements such as the feeding of their children during school time. The study recommended that there is a need for a deliberate effort by the government to encouraging the parents of their triple role in supporting their children in schools, there is also a need for a proper needs assessment prior to the allocation of available funds, such that, the few available funds are allocated to where there is more need; this will help to improve the delivery of education services. Lastly, there is a need to ensure that headteachers regularly perform supervision roles so as to instill commitment and hard work, which would, in turn, lead to improved teachers’ and pupils’ performance in UPE schools. Parents should, therefore, give positive encouragement to their children to perform better academically.


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stakeholder, management, performance, universal primary education and Moyo District

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