This study sought to examine the effects of headteachers’ administrative practices on teachers’ job performance in the Yaoundé II subdivision. The objectives of the study were; to examine the effect of headteachers’ supervisory practices on teachers’ job performance; to determine the effect of headteachers’ motivational practices on teachers’ job performance and to establish the effect of headteachers’ professional development practices on teachers’ job performance. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The population consisted of 480 teachers and 36 headteachers with a sample size of 214 teachers and 36 headteachers. Both the purposive and the convenient sampling techniques were used. Questionnaires and interviews were used as data collection instruments in this study. Quantitative data was analyzed using the descriptive and inferential data analysis methods while qualitative data was analyzed using the content analysis method. Descriptively, frequencies and percentages were used while simple linear regression was used to test hypotheses. Findings revealed that headteacher’s supervisory practices significantly affect teachers’ job performance by 21.5% (R = .468, p<.01); headteacher motivational practices affect teachers’ job performance by 69.1% (R = .832, p<.01) and headteacher professional development practices affect teachers’ job performance by 65% (R = .807, p<.01). Therefore, the researcher concluded that headteachers’ administrative practices affect teachers’ job performance in Yaoundé II subdivision. Based on these findings, we recommended among others that school management should facilitate in-service training for teachers, increase their salaries and create a friendly environment.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i7.5434
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