Ellen Grace A. Banquerigo, Lyndon A. Quines


This study utilized qualitative-narratological design to unfold the stories of five (5) quinquagenarian teachers designated as program holders from five (5) different schools within the municipality of Polomolok. This study used an in-depth interview to gather the data needed. The findings of the study revealed challenges for program holders, such as lack of preparation and experience, time constraints, financial barriers, disruptions to teaching, insufficient support and commitment, and limited resources for data collection and reporting. Meanwhile, in terms of how they cope with the challenges, establishing positive communication, collaboration and delegation, self-reflection and introspection, flexibility and learning from mistakes, and work-life balance and self-care are the ways they used to alleviate the challenges they are experiencing. Lastly, the program holders stated that professional growth, dedication to serve, building confidence and empathy, and teaching as a calling are the insights they have gained from their experiences. These narratives highlighted the need to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of teachers who take the initiative and organize and manage school-wide programs. Their dedication and perseverance deserve deepest appreciation, as they play a crucial role in shaping the educational landscape.


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educational management, program holders, ancillary functions, workload, qualitative-narratology, Philippines

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