Abdullah Aydemir, Hasan Otlu, Ahmet İçalan, Erdem Akıllı


There were many narrative types in the oral tradition period when there was no written culture. One of these is the fairy tales that form the language, cultural and value judgments of the society. Fairy tales, which have an important function in the education of children today, have survived until today by being told by a narrator. As a result of research conducted both in the world and in Turkey, many fairy tales have been unearthed so far. Fairy tales, told in different ways from region to region and from region to region, vary in this respect. The imaginary elements in fairy tales, in which we can see the characteristics of the society in which they were created, are important in that they reflect the beliefs and common views that have an impact on societies. Fairy tales continue to exist today through broadcast media such as cinema and television, and they have an important place in the mental development of young children, especially. As a result of the studies carried out so far, different classifications have been made on fairy tales and tales have been divided into categories. Many researchers, especially in Europe, have conducted studies on folk narratives. Many approaches and opinions have been put forward, especially on the structure and typology of fairy tales. One of these studies belongs to Vladimir Propp, who examined the structure of fairy tales. With his work, he tried to analyze the structure of fairy tales within the framework of morphology and by formulating the structural scheme of tales, he determined that there are 31 functions in fairy tales. In this study, after mentioning Vladimir Propp's morphological method, the tale named "Bacı Bacı Can Bacı", one of the Turkish tales, will be examined according to Vladimir Propp's tale analysis method, and the functions of the tale will be determined, and its basic structure will be revealed.


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function, fairy tale, Propp, structuralism

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