Dasa Ismaimuza, Eva Susanti, Rita Lefrida


This study aims to describe the errors made by students at SDIT Bina Insan Palu in completing daily tests of mixed integer arithmetic operations based on anxiety levels. This qualitative descriptive research involved two students selected using a mathematics anxiety questionnaire: one with high anxiety, one with moderate anxiety. Error data were analyzed through daily test sheets and interviews, with data credibility obtained through member checking and dependability through verification by academic advisors. Data analysis techniques included condensing interview results, presenting data, and drawing and verifying conclusions. The results showed that students with high anxiety made various errors on all questions, including reading, understanding, transformation, process skills, and writing errors on questions 1, 3, and 5, understanding, transformation, process skills, and writing errors on questions 2 and 4. Students with moderate anxiety made errors in transformation, process skills, and writing on questions 1, 3, and 5, understanding and transformation errors on question 2, and understanding, transformation, process skills, and writing errors on question 4.


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error analysis, the daily tests mixed integer arithmetic operations, anxiety level

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