Oluwaseyi Olubunmi Sodiya, Turkan Nabiyeva


The distinction between regular physical education and international baccalaureate physical and health education is significant. The IB Physical and Health Education curriculum promotes the holistic development of students, encompassing their mental and emotional well-being, physical fitness, and social skills. The IB curriculum focuses on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the cultivation of lifelong habits, and the development of physical literacy. The Department of Physical and Health encountered a number of challenges as it transitioned to the International Baccalaureate (IB) physical and health education curriculum. Examples include student participation, grasp of the subject's criteria, teachers 'comprehension, and the development of unit topics. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence that the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum has on the development of students ‘physical literacy and social skills in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. The research participants (students, n = 391) enrolled in the middle-year programme (MYP 1-4). We used an exploratory sequential mixed-methods research methodology for data collection. We collected data using a variety of methods, such as questionnaires, focus group interviews, student performance tracking systems, and observation. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used to arrive at the results of the study. The findings indicated that, following the initial year of the transition, students exhibited a heightened comprehension of their personal physical fitness and well-being. There was a notable increase in student engagement, and students were also able to use the service as the action of their unit to implement action projects aimed at promoting physical activity within the school community. Increased physical fitness, increased self-assurance, and a better grasp of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle are all components of students' development observed over the academic years 2022–2023. In conclusion, this research suggests that the IB MYP physical and health education curriculum provides an integrated approach to physical education. That goes beyond simple physical activity. It promotes comprehensive development and lifetime health.


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healthy lifestyle, physical literacy, physical activity, physical education, IB-curriculum, well-being

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