Yaro Loveline


The realm of nursery and primary education in Cameroon has witnessed the introduction of novel curricula aimed at fostering competencies among learners, particularly accentuating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. This paradigm shift underscores the pressing demand for educator’s adept at navigating and fully leveraging these curricular frameworks to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes requisite for the learners' holistic development. Concurrently, the enactment of the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 (NDS30), geared towards propelling Cameroon towards emergent status by 2035, serves as a resounding call for concerted efforts across all sectors, including education, to realise the stipulated objectives. Consequently, there is an urgent imperative for a cadre of high-calibre educators equipped with the specific knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to yield the desired educational outcomes. Such educator proficiency can only be cultivated through rigorous professional programmes that address contemporary challenges and foster avenues for lifelong learning. It is well-established that higher levels of education are intricately linked with elevated pedagogic standards (Howes et al., 2003; Siraj-Blatchford, 2010). In alignment with this premise, the Faculty of Education at the University of Buea has devised a master's programme in nursery and primary education employing a blended learning model, encompassing both face-to-face and online learning modalities. Nonetheless, to provide truly tailored educational experiences catering to the diverse talents, interests, and needs of each learner, a personalised learning approach is indispensable. The creation of a personalised distance learning environment holds paramount significance, particularly in light of the burgeoning prominence and acceptance of personalised learning within higher education circles. This initiative furnishes a roadmap for transitioning from conventional face-to-face instruction to online learning through the lens of personalised learning principles.


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advancing personalised learning, distance education, master’s programme, nursery and primary education

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