Aghogho Onyerhovwo Eferakorho


The study investigated the awareness and knowledge of breast cancer among female diploma students at Delta State University, Abraka. Two research questions guided the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey research method of the ex-post facto design. The population comprised one hundred and seventy-five (175) female Diploma students in Delta State University, Abraka. The sample size for the study is one hundred and seventy-five (175) female Diploma students. Hence, the sampling technique employed for the study is the total enumeration sampling technique. The instrument used for the data collection was a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequencies, mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions. The findings of the study revealed that the awareness level of female diploma students about breast cancer is high. The study also found that the knowledge level of breast cancer among diploma students at Delta State University, Abraka, is high. The study concluded that breast cancer continues to be a significant public health issue in Nigeria. The study revealed a high level of awareness among female diploma students about breast cancer. Also, the knowledge level of breast cancer among diploma students at Delta State University, Abraka is high. It was recommended that higher institutions, government, non-governmental organizations, center for women and gender studies, churches, communities, female organizations, health educators and health professionals should enlighten all female students irrespective of their age group, marital status, family history of breast cancer and religious denomination, so as to raise further the level of their knowledge of breast cancer. Female students should read, learn and study about breast cancer.


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breast cancer, female students, awareness, knowledge, public health

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