The paper investigates self-learning module assessment and feedback in Mathematics among the respondents. It analyzes self-learning module assessment and feedback on improved competency knowledge of students in Mathematics in terms of self-learning assessment feedback, suggestions and comments, and advantages, as well as disadvantages of the self-learning process. Mixed methods are employed, which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research approaches concentrated on focused group discussion (FGD). Likewise, purposive sampling is utilized to gather the study's sample size. Hence, one hundred seventy-two (172) comprised the research respondents. Results show that exploring the learning process through self-explanation, self-pace, more freedom, hands-on exposure, and detailed lessons to discuss the principles, rules, and laws of the integration learning process. However, it is complex and challenging to understand the self-learning assessment among students, show that there is a need to elaborate lessons with more examples, show detailed lesson where it gains knowledge, flexible, and enjoy learning, and show no interaction and guidance during the lesson process because the learning process is slow.
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