Chona G. Magtuba, Catharine G. Caballero


This study attempted to investigate the combined influence of Systems Leadership, Teacher Empowerment, Perception, Attitude and Commitment on the Inclusive Education Practices of SPED Teachers in Region XI. A quantitative research design was used in this study. The survey used an adapted questionnaire, which was contextualized to fit in with this research and was subjected to a reliability test called Cronbach Alpha, which had a result of .953 and up. This study also employed multiple regression analysis to determine the influence of Systems Leadership, Teacher Empowerment, Perception, Attitude and Commitment on the Inclusive Education Practices of SPED Teachers. Questionnaires were administered to the 400 randomly selected teachers using the quota sampling method. Findings show that teacher empowerment, teacher attitude and teacher commitment have a significant influence on inclusive education practices. Further, results revealed that teacher commitment was the strongest predictor of inclusive education practices, followed by teacher empowerment and teacher attitude.


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systems leadership, teacher empowerment, perception, attitude, commitment, inclusive education practices of SPED teachers, Philippines

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