Konstantinos T. Kotsis


This study explores the incorporation of artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, to enhance the teaching of physics to primary school students. Using AI-driven simulations and interactive learning activities, the research demonstrates how these tools can convert abstract physics concepts into concrete educational experiences. The results suggest that ChatGPT promotes student involvement, inquisitiveness, and analytical thinking by offering personalized feedback and encouraging practical learning tasks. ChatGPT also significantly contributes to nurturing a positive attitude towards learning physics. ChatGPT helps students overcome the perceived challenges of the subject by providing instant feedback and clarification on physics principles, fostering a more enjoyable learning experience. The investigation underscores the importance of connecting theoretical understanding with real-world application through AI-supported experiments, reinforcing comprehension and nurturing a deeper understanding of the natural world. Additionally, the paper emphasizes the necessity for continuous evaluation of student engagement and academic achievements to gauge the impact of AI in the educational field. This ongoing assessment is crucial for understanding AI's effectiveness in education and making informed decisions about its future use. The study also addresses moral considerations related to data privacy and algorithm biases, highlighting the crucial need for ethical AI deployment in educational contexts. By stressing the importance of ethical AI deployment, the study aims to reassure the audience about the responsible use of technology in education. In conclusion, the study asserts that when integrated thoughtfully, ChatGPT can greatly enhance the educational environment, making physics more accessible and enjoyable for young students while preparing them for future scientific pursuits.


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ChatGPT, primary school, physics education, hands-on experiments

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