The Curriculum forms the common framework for organizing learning in kindergarten based on certain principles. Preschool education, in the light of the development of basic abilities, is aligned with the principles of holistic development and learning adopted by the Curriculum. It is important that preschool teachers understand the core knowledge areas, concepts, and skills that are sought to be developed so that they can approach them holistically and dynamically. The purpose of this study is to investigate the views and educational practices of kindergarten teachers regarding the teaching plans and learning situations they organize in their inclusive classrooms in order to respond to the needs and capabilities of kindergarten children. It is a qualitative research, with the methodological tool of semi-structured interviews, in a sample of forty (40) kindergarten teachers from the regional unit of Epirus. Kindergarten teachers answered questions regarding: investigations, errors as a pedagogical tool, the learning situations they organize taking into account characteristics of the game, inclusive education in kindergarten, differentiated teaching and learning and the opportunities they create for intercultural communication. From the analysis and interpretation of the interviews, it is clear that the kindergarten teachers wish to harmoniously combine theory with practice and that inclusive education in kindergarten is a practical approach to diversity as an element that unifies and enriches the learning experience. However, the findings of the research also highlighted the need for teachers for training and further information on teaching methodology and practical application as well as the need to reframe and redefine the goals of the Analytical Study Programs in the direction of forming a high-quality modern school.
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