Inviolata N. Mmbaya, Elizabeth Nduku, Paschal Wambiya


This study investigated the influence of principal’s motivation strategies on teacher’s retention in Catholic secondary schools in Kajiado County. The study was anchored on transformational leadership theory. A mixed-methods research paradigm of convergent parallel design was employed. Phenomenological and cross-sectional survey designs with respect to qualitative and quantitative designs were adopted. Census, purposive, and simple random sampling techniques were used to select the respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires, structured interview guides, and document analysis. Content validity and split-half reliability were used to ensure the validity and reliability of quantitative instruments. Member checking, peer review, and triangulation of data were used to check the reliability of the qualitative instrument. Both inferential (correlations) and descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data, which was presented in frequencies, percentages, tables, and graphs. Qualitative data was analyzed using a thematic approach and presented in the form of narratives and direct quotations. The study revealed that principals' motivation strategy positively influences teachers’ retention in Catholic secondary schools in Kajiado County, Kenya. The study concluded that the principals of schools in Catholic secondary schools in Kajiado County need to improve on the strategies used to retain the teachers. The study recommended that there is a need for a comprehensive review and redesign of the motivation strategies employed by principals to ensure their effectiveness in retaining teachers.


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