Mary Wangui Njugia, Beatrice Ndiga, Michael Kimotho


This study assessed the influence of parental involvement on students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Turkana Central Sub-County, Kenya. The study adopted a concurrent mixed-method design. The quantitative approach used a cross-sectional survey design, while qualitative data used a case study design. The target population was 15 public secondary schools, 15 principals, 330 teachers, and 3600 students. Simple random sampling was used to select 12 out of 15 public secondary schools. Criterion purposive sampling was used to include all the 12 principals and their respective 12 deputy principals. The 116 teachers were selected using stratified simple random sampling. Systematic sampling was adopted to select 360 out of 3600 students. Data collection tools included questionnaires and an in-depth interview guide. Both inferential and descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data, which was presented in frequencies, percentages, tables and graphs. Qualitative data were analyzed using a thematic approach and presented in the form of narratives and direct quotations. The study revealed that the principal’s administrative practices, including parental involvement, significantly influence students' discipline in public secondary schools in Turkana Central Sub-County, Kenya. However, parents were found not effectively involved in matters concerning students’ discipline. The study recommends that principals establish clear and consistent discipline policies that are effectively communicated to students, parents, and staff. These policies should clearly outline expected behaviors, consequences for misconduct, and disciplinary procedures. Principals should also invite parents to participate in meetings concerning student discipline, as their involvement can provide valuable insights and foster a collaborative approach to behavioral management.


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