Elif Bahadır


Developments in mathematics education tend to emphasize mathematics teaching with the help of activities that will allow the students to create these concepts rather than to make them memorize mathematical rules. The purpose of this study is to analyze the applicability of the application of multiplication with fingers developed by the researcher. In the application, the relation between addition and subtraction is featured in teaching multiple table rather than memorization. Within the scope of this aim, an action study consisting of 3 steps was carried out with 11 the students who were studying on the 2nd grade of a primary school in the Sarıyer district of Istanbul province for the period of 6 course hours. At the end of the application, 7 teacher watched the video recording of the application and were asked for their views on it. Guidelines about how the application was carried out have been sent to the parents of the students in the class. The parents were asked to follow their children throughout the application and to give their opinions about it. The application has been completed with receiving the opinions of researcher, teacher, the parents and the students. It was observed that the students' learning was effective, their motivation and participation were at a high level during the application. The teachers found the application practicable. According to the views of the parents and the students, the application has been described as easily applicable, enjoyable and effective. The application of finger multiplication used in the study can be assessed as an application that will be used in the various stages of the course in order to teach multiplication, provide student motivation towards lesson and obtain other concepts related to multiplication table and multiplication


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.559


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