In this study, mathematical stories written by 50 middle school students were analyzed. The study group consisted of two different student groups who were living in advantageous and disadvantageous regions in Istanbul. At the first stage, the students were presented a mathematical story called “My Fractal Tree”, then told about what the mathematical story was and asked to write a mathematical story about any subjects. 43 of the stories have story characteristics. The stories were separately analyzed under the headings of "involving a mathematical subject", "having mathematical characteristics or not" and "the math topics students used in their stories". The findings about the contents of the stories were analyzed on 4 main themes; "Mathematics’ relations with other subjects", "Perceptions towards mathematics", "Mathematical level" and "Creativity". Students can be seen to have mentioned about the math’s relations with other subjects. Students’ abilities to use mathematical elements correctly are quite low, their learning about concepts is weak and their misconceptions are too high. Generally, a very plain language is seen in the stories in terms of language expression, but transitions between topics seem weak. Considering the creativity element in the students’ writings, advantageous group was seen to have created highly creative stories.
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