Mojgan Rashtchi, Reza Porkar


Classroom management is one of the most significant yet challenging issues in EFL settings, mainly when L2 writing, as a productive skill, is in focus. The present qualitative study explored EFL teachers’ challenges in managing their classes when instructing writing. Twelve Iranian university instructors selected based on purposive sampling volunteered to participate in the study. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and thematically analyzed, resulting in four main themes in response to the study’s research questions. Two themes were related to teachers’ challenges: instructional challenges and students’ misbehavior challenges. One theme was associated with the participants’ negative feelings about managing writing classes, and the last theme included suggestions for better management of writing classes. The study highlights the problems EFL teachers encounter in their writing classes, hoping to attract policymakers’ and administrators’ attention to the teaching profession in EFL settings. The study has implications for teachers, teacher trainers, and educators.


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classroom management challenges, EFL teachers, writing skill

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