Based on the subjects of social sciences, the students are directed, guided, and helped to become Indonesian citizens and to be effective world citizens. To develop these capabilities, it requires the necessary competence of teachers in delivering learning. Skills teachers in planning lessons need to take into account and relate to the methods that will be used in learning. Problem solving method is a way of solving problems based on data or information which is accurate to obtain a conclusion. This research was implemented to improve the process by applying certain methods. As a matter of fact, the procedure is done through action planning, action, observation and reflection. The research cycle lasted a few times until the learning objectives achieved the social knowledge material, in this case, the subject of Natural Resources. The results showed, in the first cycle, the writer got the average value of the subject of the Natural Resources subject of 38 students at 5.63, at the second cycle was 6.92, while the third cycle was 7.53. There was an improvement of results from the first cycle to the second cycle was 23%, while, the second cycle to the third cycle of 9%. Overall, during the treatment performed by three cycles, there was an increase of learning outcomes through method of solving the problem by 34%.
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