Evangelia Ch. Lozgka


Teaching practicum is crucial in initial teacher education programs, determining their effectiveness and attracting researchers’ and practicing teachers’ attention. This study explores the experiences of ten graduate teachers (eight women and two men) from a university department in Greece regarding their internship during their undergraduate studies. Unlike similar studies, this study utilized the free text written by the participants as a research tool to highlight the topics that really interest the practicing teachers. The data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. From the analysis, eight main categories emerged describing trainees’ internship experiences: a) characterizations for the teaching practicum, b) emotions from the practicum, c) benefits and usefulness of the process, d) positive and e) negative aspects of the practicum, f) difficulties encountered, and g) recommendations for improving the practicum. These findings offer valuable feedback for enhancing the internship experience within the participants’ department and stress the need for further research on the multi-factorial process of teaching practicum.


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teacher internship experiences, teaching practicum, teacher education programs, qualitative content analysis, qualitative research

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i12.5643


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