Deng-Yuan Ji


This study focus on the competency assessments conducted through the University Career and Competency Assessment Network (UCAN), a platform widely utilized in Taiwan’s higher education system. Using a private university in Taiwan as a case study, the research tracked cohorts of students who enrolled between the 2018 and 2021 academic years. UCAN assessments were administered as pre-tests during the students’ first year and post-tests in their third year to measure changes in their common competencies. Institutional data obtained from these assessments were analyzed using one-way ANCOVA and independent sample t-tests to explore the impact of the Higher Education Sprout Project, which emphasizes innovative teaching, on students' competency development. The results from the longitudinal analysis reveal significant improvements in all eight core competencies, with the most notable self-efficacy gains observed in communication, problem-solving, and information technology skills.


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one-way ANCOVA, independent samples t-test, communication, problem-solving, information technology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i12.5646


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